How can I renew my DED license if I have been issued a warning or violation notice?

How can I renew my DED license if I have been issued a warning or violation notice?

If you have been issued a warning or violation notice by the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) regarding your business license, you will need to take corrective action and resolve the issue before you can renew your license.

Here are the general steps you can take to renew your DED license in case of a warning or violation notice:

Identify the reason for the warning or violation notice: Carefully review the notice to understand the reason behind the warning or violation. This will help you determine what corrective action needs to be taken.

Take corrective action: Take the necessary steps to address the issue identified in the warning or violation notice. For example, if the issue is related to late payment of fees, pay the outstanding amount. If it is related to missing documents, ensure that you provide the required documents.

Request a re-inspection: Once you have addressed the issue, you can request a re-inspection from the DED. This will allow them to verify that the issue has been resolved.

Submit the renewal application: Once you have received clearance from the DED, you can submit your renewal application online or in person. Make sure to provide all the required documents and pay the renewal fee.

It is important to note that the steps to renew your license may vary depending on the specific situation and the severity of the violation. In some cases, you may need to work with a legal consultant or a PRO (Public Relations Officer) to ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to renew your license.